Jesse de Vries

My name is Jesse 👋

I'm a full stack developer with a passion for creating websites and applications that can make a difference for people. Helping companies optimizing their processes and creating a better experience for their customers is what I love to do.

Right now I am working as a Software Developer at Creative Work where I am working on a variety of projects for different clients. This projects range from creating wordpress websites to creating complex web applications like routing application, CRM systems and much more.
Besides my work here I am currently doing a bachelor in Software Engineering at NHL Stenden. Here I am learning all about software engineering and how to create software that is maintainable, scalable and secure.

When I'm not busy programming I like to spend my time in the gym, playing video games or driving my car on empty land roads.
If you'd like to know more about me or my work you can follow me on my socialmedia below.


Over the years I have learned to work with a lot of tools, languages and technologies. Here are some of the skills I have learned to work with.

Web Development

Web Development

Over the years I have learned to work with a lot of different web technologies.
From creating simple websites with HTML, CSS and Javascript to creating complex web applications with huge backends and databases.

For big webapplications I am using MeteorJS since this framework gives a lot of good tools to create a scalable and maintainable application.
When creating a simple webapp with a small backend I am using plain PHP or Laravel.
I also work with NodeJS and SocketIO to create real time applications like multiplayer webgames and chat applications.



I work with a handful of different databases.
For projects written in Javascript I am using MongoDB since MeteorJS works out of the box with this database.
Mongo comes with a lot of good features like easy to use queries and a good performance. And of course its built-in oplog server which allow me to track data realtime and create fast reactive applications
For projects written in PHP I am using MySQL since it is fast and easy to host. When using MySQL I am using the Laravel Eloquent ORM to create my models and queries.

To make applications blazing fast I put a lot of effort in caching data and using Redis to store data in memory.
Redis is a key-value store which is very fast and easy to use. I use Redis to store data like user sessions, user data and other data which is used a lot.

Latest Projects

Perfect solutions for digital experience


For a school project I created a web application which allows users to create a todo list.
Users can create a todo list and add tasks to it. They can also add a due date to the task.
When a task is overdue the user will get a notification. Also users can specify if they want a notification before the due date.
Users can also add a description to a task and give it a certain priority, the task with the highest priority will always be on top.

The application alsp gives users the ability to connect the app with their own Google Calendar or Outlook agenda. This way their tasks from ToDAY will be synchronized automatically with their agenda.


De Nachtbraker

De Nachtbraker is a drink brand which sells high quality mixed drinks.
Together with them we've created a Wordpress website with WooCommerce. This way they can easily sell their mixed drinks online.

By using a Mollie integration their customers can easily pay with iDeal.
When the customer has paid the order, if needed, a shipping label will be requested automatically from PostNL.
Using the custom reports module the customer can easily see how many orders they have and how much money they have made.
Also the customer can create custom discount codes which can be automatically generated when a customer has bought a certain amount of drinks.

De Nachtbraker

*Not all of my projects are featured on my website. Take a look at my Github to view more.